Saturday, September 18, 2010


irish came home for the first time since the accident last night. he said it was extremely hard going back to the house and seeing the track and walking around the shop. eric has not been eating like he should and has been sleeping alot. eric also has not been very talkative as of late. irish is going back down today to indianapolis.


  1. Eric,
    You CAN and YOU WILL and HE CAN and HE WILL
    and WE CAN be there for you and WE WILL be there for you.

  2. Saunders Family:

    Ditto what Rena said. Everyone who knows you or knows of you is praying for you and Eric. No one knows what God's plans are for you but trust that he will see you through this!

  3. Eric,
    Your dad come to Hoosier yesterday afternoon. We all gave him hugs. I think we needed it as much as he did. He is so strong, and said your mom is a rock! Most Friday afternoons we can't wait for closing time so we can get in our cars and go home to start our weekends, but we wanted to stay and hear all about you!

    If something good can be said about what's happened to you it's this: It has made those non-believers, believe. It has made those that do have faith, stronger. And it has made those that whine about the "small stuff" take stock on what is really important in their own lives.

    Better days ahead, Eric... better days ahead.
    Janice Rash

  4. Keep looking ahead! Stay strong, think positive. You guys will all pull through this with determination and strength. We're all here for you and wish the best with our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Eric,

    Sorry, me again. I can't believe I forgot to tell you this. When your dad was visiting Hoosier Friday, we got to hear about the incredible love a father has for his son. It was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Eric,
    We are believing in you and praying for you. We are looking forward to seeing you so we want you to get better. We have a pic for you from Lexi so if you ever get on facebook check it out. She wants you to know she is also supporting you and believes YOU CAN and YOU WILL!!! We love you!!!!

  7. Dude,
    You are way awesome. Everybody at Red Bud today was all over buying your Stuff are you like the Hero of the hour or what? Good Luck Bud!!! Get Better, Miss you at the track

  8. Eric,
    God promised he would'nt give us more than we can handle. I take comfort in that. YOU CAN handle this.
    Love You,

  9. Eric,

    You have the love, support, faith You Can and You Will handle this and prayers from those of us in the supermodified racing community that call your Dad our friend. Stay strong!!!!

  10. Is 41:10 "Do not fear; for I am with you; Do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will make you strong;yes, I will help you, yes I will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness."

    Hang in there. Stay strong. We are all praying for you.

    Mom of 7 in Arizona

  11. Isaiah 41:31 Those who wait on the Lord,
    Shall renew their Strength: They shall mount
    up with wings like Eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.
    Don't EVER give up!! Keep Trusting our Lord
    Praying for you and your mom and dad too...

    Glenda @ Hoosier

  12. Irish, this is Karen Kendall. I've been following this blog since it started. I just want you to know that your all in my prayers and thoughts. Be strong Eric !!! God has his plans for all of us.

  13. eric,u probley dont rember us from ohio,but we r thinking of u keep your head up and it will all be good,tyler& travis meyer, hang in there!!

  14. I am sure you are feeling better moving to rehab.It's amazing how a breathe of fresh air will refresh you. Just wanted to encourage you. Just listened to a song called "This is where the healing begins" on utube.

    Praying for you & family continually!

    Mom of 7 in Az
