Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31

Eric had a good week end with lots of visitors on Saturday.He got a two hour pass to go see a movie with friends.While he was leary of going, had enjoyed it. Whole new venture but time to move on and out. Was exhausted Sunday and sleep in late. Hard to believe it's been nine weeks.He is much stronger and more determined every day. Is transferring out of bed into his chair very well. He is ready to get out of this place and get home to family and friends. I know they are trying to get his room ready for his arrival home. We can not thank everyone enough for all you've done for us. With your prayers, support and love we continue to make it through his bump in the road, please continue to pray for continued strength and smooth pavement in the days ahead. Ten days and counting down. THANK YOU ALL!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oct 26

Eric had a good day today. The finally tally says he can go home Nov. 9th if things go as planned. He also had a appt. with the lung specialist, the good news there is that he said the lungs are healing quickly and that the sounds good as well. The hole in his lung is healing well too. Now it's time to get things ready at home so Eric will be able to move about and move forward with life. Amen that we will get to close the door on this place. There's no place like home!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

0ct 21

Eric had a rough day, they had a new P.T. working with Eric. It was tough for him, when you get use to how one works, a different one kind of throws a curve ball. He couldn't get the hang of it, and totally shut down. On a good note he did well with O.T. They are going to try a new P.T. tomorrow, so we will hope this one will be a better option for him. While Eric is still paralyzed we continue to pray Gods blessing, Grace and his goodness on Erics lif,e as well as our family. Its a tough road but together we will get through this and be a stronger family for it. Thanks for all your prays, may God bless you all as well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oct 19

Eric continues to be in great spirits. He has an amazing faith that God will heal him and he will be able to ride one more time. He is so appreciative of of everyones prayers. He can't, in his wildest dreams, imagine going through this alone. He is working on moving the wheelchair up steps. A very hard task that usually takes a week a to achieve. He is also lifting weights to increase upper body strength. He is now able to sit up for two hours twice a day. Grateful that God is leading and directing our path. We believe he will continue to use Eric to glorify his name.Also grateful for a small community that is so supportive of our family. Thank you all. Please continue to pray for us.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

octhe will start 2 14

Eric ended up having a great day in spite of having a U.T.I. We are trying to get that under control. Mean while he is still limited to setting up for two hours because of the bed sore but they reassured us that on Monday he will start 2 2 hour sessions per day. His upper body strength is getting stronger, although he still has a ling way to go. His spirits are very good and he loves to get visitors. He likes to impress everyone with his strength and hard work. Thanks for all your prayers.
Oh very important news. Yesterday he had an appointment with the spinal surgeon who said that the spine was aligned and healing well. He got to have pizza while at the hospital and sat up for two hours. He also went up to the fifth floor and spoke with Shane Himels parents. ( Shane was hurt in a race car crash the past week end.) It was good to see them and encourage each other as we all battle through. Please keep Shane in your prayers. Eric is making lasting relationships with some quite amazing people. People that will be remembered for their kindness way after this is all over.

Update: 10.14.2010

Tony wins another one for Eric!

Monday, October 11, 2010


If you follow Erics facebook at all, He just posted something we can all live by.' Won't stop fighting till I reach the end. Thanks Everyone." While none of us have had this life altering experiance at his age I think thats a brave quote from a kid going through this. Please know that Eric is working very hard and that rehab can last most of the day. The longer and harder he works the sooner he comes home. And that is the main goal. Will keep you updated.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 9

Hey everyone,
Hi it's Eric's favorite aunt Shelly. (I said that he did'nt.)Just leaving from spending the day with Eric. HE HAD A GREAT DAY. God has placed some amazing people in his life. A young man came to see Eric today who was also paralized. He was such a positive young man. Total inspiration to Eric. Eric is grateful to know that people take time out of their busy schedules to come and see him. Eric will soon be able to post a blog when we teach him how and set it up for him to do so. Thanks again everyone for your prayers, God is faithful and Just to answer them.
Aunt Shelly

Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct 8

Hey everybody,
Great news, Eric is enjoying some much needed outdoor time. Visitors keep his spirits up and remind him how much he is cared about. We all believe that better days are ahead as he continues to feel better. Wacht the blog in the next few days for pictures and videos. Eric keep your head up we are all pulling for you.
Love you much,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oct 7

Eric had another good day today. He was fitted for a new wheelchair. He went to the gym for rehab,worked hard, and Sheila cut his hair. He is still crying from that experience. L.O.L. They work him really hard, but he is up to a challenge and enjoys being praised for his hard work and effort. The only problem is being turned every two hours to avoid anymore bed sores. His sore is getting better as well as his U.T.I. I pray every morning that today will be better that yesterday. Thanks for all your prayers and support, we couldn't have made it this far without you!!! Keep the faith.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 6

Wow what a day!!!!! Eric got to go outside today. How we take things for granted. It did the heart good just to see him outside. Eric was also pumped about working out in the gym. He absolutly just lite up at the chance to get his physical therapy going. Eric only got to stay outside for a half hour because he needed to get back in to therapy. A VERY BUSY DAY. Dean Hubbard
came to visit him today and we so appreciated his visit. Prayers Answered, we are finally on the right path. Thanks again,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Went to see Eric today. He looked GREAT, he is so happy to get visitors. He loves to show off how strong he is getting. He actually has some muscle tone back in his arms. Girls stopped by today that he went to school with, he couldn't believe they took time to come see him. Eric, you are so worth the trip. Eric also has a new buddy who by chance is also named Eric. He also was paralyzed from a moto cross accident. What a inspiration he is to our Eric.God bless all of you that have taken time to show you care in one form or the other.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct 4

Eric ended up having a better evening than morning. They are treating him for his U.T.I. with Antibiotics and his pressure wound is starting to slowly heal. I think as long as they turn every two hours he'll be good. He had a few visitors today which always lifts his spirits and surely makes the day much shorter. Tomorrow will hopefully bring better things to come.
Thanks for your support,

Oct 4

Eric's white cell count continues to rise so he is back at the hospital. Running xrays on kidneys, chest, and bladder. He is back to vomiting everything he eats.Praying for a break ,quite discouraged today. Three steps backward, I am ready for even one step forward. PRAY PLEASE!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd

Eric had a tough day today. Just figured out that pop will cause U.T.I.'s. Eric hit the roller coaster turn thats make you scream. He's ready to get off this ride. He refused his meds today and pretty much sleep all day. He said he just felt sick. We are waiting for the test results to return so we can get him back on the road to recovery. Please pray that tomorrow will be a better day.

Update 10.3.2010

Eric is doing very good and his spirits are good.He still has the Rockstar attitude which Irish said that he has missed for a few weeks. His bed sores are getting better and he has been drinking Myoplex protein drink that his buddy John Rhymer got him hooked on. Thanks for the support and keep praying for 349.