Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct 4

Eric's white cell count continues to rise so he is back at the hospital. Running xrays on kidneys, chest, and bladder. He is back to vomiting everything he eats.Praying for a break ,quite discouraged today. Three steps backward, I am ready for even one step forward. PRAY PLEASE!!!


  1. Eric,
    God never promised there would'nt be storms but at the end of every storm is one amazing rainbow.
    Cant wait to see your rainbow. Meanwhile, Praying you through the storm.

  2. Eric i am praying I know this is so difficult,God NEVER fails! He will give you what you need for the day,,just one day at a time. I love you very much !

  3. Praying and thinking positive thoughts for Eric and the family...

  4. Eric
    You can keep going long after you cant.

  5. If I had a nickle for every time someone asked about you. I would be a millionaire.

  6. Eric I pray that each day goes by quickly for you, knowing that healing is a daily task. Im not sure if you know but about 16 yrs ago Taylors younger brother passed away in my arms. I am a stronger person because of everything I went through. You are Amazing, please keep remembering that. We are all behind you and are waiting along side you for your miracle from God. We are thinking of all of you....The Davis Family #854

  7. Eric hang tough buddy, don't let the trying times try you. I think about you and pray for you everyday. Get well soon ES349

  8. Eric and The Saunders Family:

    Praying for all of you! This can not be easy but somehow God will see you through it. Remain strong, positive and hopeful.

  9. We are praying like mad for you all... Healing for Eric and every bit of strength we can muster for you and Sheila. I know each hour seems like a day but we know you all will get through it. If we can help in any way please let us know. The Holcombe's
