Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31

Eric had a good week end with lots of visitors on Saturday.He got a two hour pass to go see a movie with friends.While he was leary of going, had enjoyed it. Whole new venture but time to move on and out. Was exhausted Sunday and sleep in late. Hard to believe it's been nine weeks.He is much stronger and more determined every day. Is transferring out of bed into his chair very well. He is ready to get out of this place and get home to family and friends. I know they are trying to get his room ready for his arrival home. We can not thank everyone enough for all you've done for us. With your prayers, support and love we continue to make it through his bump in the road, please continue to pray for continued strength and smooth pavement in the days ahead. Ten days and counting down. THANK YOU ALL!!!!


  1. Can only imagine the excitement in the Saunders household as you prepare for Eric's homecomeing! Continued prayers and best wishes to you all. Please keep up the blog when Eric gets home.

    Jamestown Speedway
